Wheelersburg Elementary School Home

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President's Day

Just a reminder there is No School on Monday February 17th for President's Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday February 18th.

Principal's Message

Our school supports the Science of Reading.  We use Wilson Fundations and Heggerty Phonological and Phonemic Awareness programs as part of our tier 1 instruction.   All reading teachers continue to receive professional development in support of the Science of Reading. We have over 14 teachers who are Certified Academic Language Practitioners (CALP) as well as Certified Dyslexia Practitioners through the International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC).  These teachers completed an intensive program including a 100 hour practicum through the Children's Dyslexia Center in Columbus, Ohio. We are proud of the qualified intensive intervention that we provide our "at risk" students.  
Wheelersburg Elementary supports Ohio's Whole Child Framework. We believe that supporting a child's social-emotional, physical and safety needs contribute to a fully engaged student. Our school provides a guidance counselor who also manages our involvement with the Steven Hunter Power Pack program to address food insecurities.  We partner with a local counseling service to provide an in house therapist for some students. On multiple occasions, our teachers have received professional development related to trauma-informed instruction and social emotional learning. 
We are very proud of our Positive Pirate Program which encourages students to exhibit positive behaviors. Each month our school focuses on a positive character trait. Please ask your child what this month’s character trait is.

Mrs. Janeen Spradlin
Wheelersburg Elementary Principal

Upcoming Events

PTO Meeting

Time: 6 PM – 7 PM
Location: Wheelersburg Elementary and Middle School, 800 Pirate Dr, Wheelersburg, OH 45694, USA